Stormwater Issue Swamps Rapid City Council


Photo Courtesy: City of Rapid City


Rapid City Council Monday night sat through a lengthy  presentation regarding stormwater drainage, funding, maintenance, and flood insurance.  There have been constant complaints to the city after the May 18th storm from resident in areas of town that were flooded, some which hadn’t been flooded previously.

The Public Works Director Dale Tech said he would like to see a continuation of the work that has been done so far since the drainage fee fund was established….

But funding remains inadequate….

Alderman Jason Salamun suggested that maybe Council could use  monies from the Vision Fund to better fund the drainage system….

Alderman John Roberts said he could support using Vision Funds, but what he would not support would be an increase in taxes to hasten needed projects funded by the drainage fee.

Alderwoman Darla Drew said they need to make the current system more efficient referencing the issues of pond access for maintenance, and photos that showed many drainages that are filled with trash.

Story By: KOTA’s Marnie Cook 7/17/18