Disability Awareness And Accessibility Committee Looking For Applicants


Rapid City is seeking applicants to fill a single vacancy on the Disability Awareness and Accessibility Committee.  The mayoral appointment will complete a term set to expire in December and would be available for reappointment to a two-year term.

                Interested citizens are encouraged to apply by submitting a Citizen Interest Application online at www.rcgov.org .  Application deadline is October 25 at 5:00 p.m. 

The City’s Disability Awareness and Accessibility Committee advocates for and promotes the equal inclusion of people with disabilities in all aspects of community life in Rapid City.  The 12-member committee is comprised of a cross-section of the community having an interest in employment and inclusion of persons with disabilities, especially those who have a disability, work with persons with a disability, or who are affiliated with organizations providing services to people with disabilities.

The committee meets once a month and also hosts various community events during the year.

More information on the Committee can be found at the link on the committees/boards/commissions page under the government tab on the home page at www.rcgov.org .

Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.  Please contact the Mayor’s Office with questions at 605-394-4110.