
After a series of events last summer in which everyone got drenched, the City’s Parks and Recreation Department will again host the ‘Hydrant Block Parties’ this summer.

The first in a series of three hydrant block parties will be held Wednesday, June 12 at Sioux Park from 1-3 p.m.  Additional hydrant parties are scheduled for College Park on July 10 from 1-3 p.m. and the Roosevelt Swim Center parking lot on August 14 from 1-3 p.m.

The hydrant parties are free and open to all ages with fire department staff turning on the fire truck hoses to get participants wet.

The parties include lots of water, games and fun!  Staff from the Rapid City Fire Department, Rapid City Police Department, Rapid City Public Library, Solid Waste Division and Parks and Rec will be participating.

“Last summer was so much fun. Everyone got wet!” said Parks and Recreation Special Events Coordinator Lindsey Myers.  “It was a great time with lots of laughter, smiles and noise, and that was just from the adults behind the water hoses and the squirt guns.

“We’re again encouraging kids to bring their squirt guns and other water toys from home.  As the summer warms up, these parties will be a great way to cool off.”

In case of inclement weather, the event will be canceled.  Check for updates on the Rapid City Parks and Recreation Facebook page.