
A stretch of Lacrosse Street between East North Street to Anamosa Street will be closed next week as Rapid City, Pierre & Eastern Railroad (RCP&E) crews work on railroad track repairs.

Effective Monday and continuing through next Friday, June 14, RCP&E will restrict access to portions of Lacrosse Street to complete repairs to the tracks located between Van Buren St and E Adams St.  The City will provide traffic control and will complete asphalt repairs as part of the project.  Local access only will be allowed to businesses and residences along the stretch of Lacrosse Street between East North Street and East Adams Street, as well as between Anamosa Street and Van Buren Street during the five-day period. Drivers are encouraged to utilize alternate routes and side street connections in the affected area to navigate around the area between East Adams Street and Van Buren.  Drivers are advised to allow extra time and use caution in the affected area.

Portable signage has been placed in the affected area to advise drivers of the pending traffic impacts.

This project was planned and initiated by RCPE to address the condition of the at-grade railroad crossing in Lacrosse Street.  The RCP&E railroad project is being completed with support from the South Dakota Department of Transportation and the City of Rapid City.